Ketika para pakar sudah tidak didengarkan lagi

Pernah gak sih kita ketemu dengan orang yang merasa lebih pintar dan merasa paling benar padahal dia bukan ahlinya? Misalnya ada pasien yang mendiagnosa dirinya sendiri dan menolak saran dokter spesialis. Atau ada orang yang baru belajar agama setahun, tapi sudah berani mendebat pendapat kiai yang mesantrennya aja belasan tahun. Atau seorang penjual suplemen diet yang berani menganulir pendapat seorang dokter gizi. Atau mungkin ada juga seorang tukang bangunan yang merasa lebih tahu soal konstruksi bangunan di hadapan seorang ahli teknik sipil? Fenomena ini menjadi satu isu menarik yang dibahas seorang penulis Amerika yang bernama Tom Nichols, dalam bukunya yang berjudul The Death of Expertise, atau Matinya Kepakaran. Secara garis besar, buku ini membahas fenomena di mana masyarakat modern semakin menolak otoritas dan keahlian, meskipun keahlian itu berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang mendalam. Nichols menguraikan bagaimana tren ini muncul, dampaknya terhadap masyarakat, sert...

Learning Many Things from Linda's Classroom

The main reason why I am so excited to attend classes in AUC is I have a big opportunity to know Egypt and Egyptians more and more again. I not only learned English from the campus, but in fact I got to know more than that. I learned many things that I might never get if I didn't join this community. So, after I finished my A2 level, I counted day by day waiting to have a new class and new experience. 

At the first time of my B1 level, I entered the class with a guessing mind; what will it be like, how my teacher will be like when teaching, is it a he or a she, is he/she fun or boring, how will my new class-mates be like, and other questions like these. On March 21st, I entered the class then I met Linda for the first time. I don't know why, but I never imagined her since the first meet that she will be our instructor for this term. Maybe because she is a girl and she is beautiful (What's wrong with a beautiful teacher?). I don't know why the way she dresses leads me to a necessity to judge her by her appearance. My mind kept wondering  over and over again, are you sure that she is my current teacher at class?

After a while, I realized that she definitely is humble and cheerful. These are my first impressions about her. Due to my interest in education and its teaching, I was always excited to attend her class, to know how she interacts with her students, and to know how she delivers the materials, what approaches she uses when teaching, and the main question that I need an answer is how she always seemed to appreciate the various conditions of her students who sometimes are not all fun to face. I imagine if I were in Linda's position, am I able to handle all thing that happen in the class? 

From session to another session, I feel very grateful because God sent me a good teacher. The same feeling when I met Dr. Hemeda in my first Arabic class in Cairo 4 years ago. I adore him since the first day till today, and just pray to God that one day I hope I can be someone like him when I teach others or just deliver something that I already have. And today, I found a new paraphrase for my prayer to God: I hope can be a good teacher not only like Dr. Hemeda, but also like Linda does to her students. Naturally our mind saves good memories about good people, especially a good teacher who makes us love the subject or minimally interested to learn the subject.     

I am holding strongly what Imam Syafei said that when you decide to travel and move from your home, you will find so many things that you can't find in your own yard. I found a lot of things in Linda's class room that enrich my experience, that make me more open minded about the differences, moreover, something that broaden my mindset toward different character, various types of people, and will always be a lifelong learning experience as what I have discovered until now. 

Finally, I thank Linda and all my classmates for great occasions, you all really taught me a lot.

Mei 10th, 2018. 


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